Sacinandana Swami

Sacinandana Swami
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A Guide To Chanting With Absorption, By Sacinandana Swami, Pages 204, Hardbound
By Sacinandana Swami , Pages 301, Hardbound
351pages, by Sacinandana Swami
By Sacinandana Swami, pages 84, Hardbound
The Living Name
A Guide To Chanting With Absorption, By Sacinandana Swami, Pages 204, Hardbound
A Guide To Chanting With Absorption, By Sacinandana Swami, Pages 204, Hardbound
The Nectarean Ocean Of The Holy Name
By Sacinandana Swami , Pages 301, Hardbound
By Sacinandana Swami , Pages 301, Hardbound
The Gayatri Book
The Gayatri book is a comprehensive manual and a source of inspiration on the mystery of the gayatri-mantras, their meaning and practice. A book not only for brahmana initiated practitioners, but for aspiring candidates as well as for inquisitive nectar seekers. This edition includes a new section of study questions that help you test and deepen your understanding of each chapter. Also, the text has been completely re-layouted and is printed in two colors making it easy to read. A definite must in every spiritual bookshelf! Krishna-Kshetra Swami on the Gayatri book: “If Vaishnava culture is to take root and carry on indefinitely, surely practitioners need to have a thorough understanding of their adopted tradition. The Gayatri Book aims to fullfill this need. Those who know Sacinandana Swami personally will recognize the imprint of his expertise and concern as a teacher. The Gayatri Book is both a practical manual and a carefully woven explication, thoughtfully structured as an unfolding blossoming flower, revealing one after another the layers of significance to this important aspect of brahmana practice.”
351pages, by Sacinandana Swami
Broken Names
By Sacinandana Swami, pages 84, Hardbound
By Sacinandana Swami, pages 84, Hardbound
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